Did you know that PumpSmart Limited hold a large number of Deaeration and Separation systems to help ensure your heating and cooling systems run in the most efficient manner?
As we are sure you are already aware, there are many benefits of installing automatic air vents and combined air and dirt separators into your new or existing systems.
Automatic Air Vent : This is a very effective way of removing air and other gasses from heating and cooling systems, the vents are applied at the high points in the system where air is known to collect. The Automatic Air Vents we stock have the following features:-
Are two better than one?
Absolutely! Why not remove air and dirt at the same time? With the combined air and dirt separators this is a very effective and efficient way of removing Micro-bubbles, dirt and sludge from your system.
PumpSmart Limited know the benefits of installing the above units into systems and as such we have now increased our stock of both the Automatic Air Vents and Combined Air and Dirt Separators at our premises in Colchester.
Dosing Pots
In addition to removing unwanted air and dirt how about adding chemical additives into sealed systems?
Doing pots are used to for dosing sealed heating and cooling systems with Chemical additives, therefore making it even easier to keep your systems running efficiently
We hope that this is of interest to you or if you require any further information please do get in touch with a member of our qualified sales team on 01206 851535 or email sales@pumpsmart.co.uk for further information.